“Plant Intelligence Conservation Platform” can conserve the core units of the best specific plant samples, to establish endangered plant stem cell bank, and preserve the complete genetic information of plants forever to carry on further R&D and industrialization. This platform can set the best plant intelligence free from influence of time and space, to become a treasure of resources for all mankind.
The best modern Noah's ark of plants
Compared to today's common methods “seed banks” and “botanical gardens”, PI Conservation platform could conserve plant species faster and more effectively.
To conserve plants impotent in human history
Whether much more useful plants or trees with special meaning in human history, we could conserve and clone them perfectly. Our ancients remain these precious plants to us from thousands of years before ,and we have responsibility to keep them remain-ing for another thousands of years.

We would like to cooperate with everybody to establish CMC cell banks all over the world and conserve plant resources as a legacy of the whole mankind.
At present, PIPSCI is actively working with domestic governments to build a “Plant Stem Cell Bank (China)” based on plants with Chinese characteristics and medicinal value, so as to comprehensively and deeply protect core plant resources and leave important heritage for future generations. In particular, the cooperation with the places with rich plant resources can fully protect the rare plant resources, on the other hand, make preparations for the subsequent systematic commercial development without damaging any natural environment.